All children living in the catchment area can come to Laxey School.
Any families moving out of the area may keep their children here or they may transfer them to the school which serves the area they have moved to. Under the “sibling rule” any younger brothers or sisters can be enrolled at Laxey School even if you are living outside the area, provided that you have at least one child at the school.
If you live outside of the catchment but wish your child to attend Laxey School then please arrange to speak with Mr Maxim Kelly, the Executive Headteacher, in the first instance. He can be contacted on 01624 861373
Children who will be five between September 1st and August 31st of the following year (inclusive) should start in Reception at the beginning of the Autumn Term. The children start full time in September.
The induction programme for all reception children and their parents usually takes place in the Summer Term prior to starting school. Children will have an opportunity to visit school and there is a parents’ welcome meeting.