Laxey School

Growing Minds, Shaping Futures: Nurturing Lifelong Learners with a Growth Mindset at Laxey Primary School


At Laxey School, hot, healthy lunches can be provided. A copy of the school dinner menu is always displayed on the parents’ notice boards. Cheques for school meals should be made payable to ‘Isle of Man Government’. If you prefer, your child can bring a packed lunch in a suitable lunch box which should be clearly named. We don’t have any rules on what your child should eat for their lunch, but like to encourage you to make healthy choices when it comes to making up your child’s lunch box. Sugary foods can affect your child’s focus in the afternoon, so please try and choose healthy foods, that are low in sugar to help your child concentrate until the end of the school day.

A week’s notice is required should you wish your child to change from school dinners to packed lunch or vice versa.

During the lunchtime break, supervision is provided by lunchtime ancillary staff, who support the children in the dining room and the playgrounds until the start of afternoon school. On wet days children are supervised in classrooms during lunch break, once they have finished eating in the hall.

Further information:

Isle of Man Government - School Meals Information Page

Free School Meals Application Information

Snacks and Drinks

Children can bring in a snack of fruit or vegetables to eat at play times. We encourage the children to drink water as sugary juice can cause tooth decay. Please provide your child with a named water bottle which they can refill whenever they need to.